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Core Values 

Honest, integrity and creditablity being the business principles, Well Fore has since its foundation devoted to its mission of introducing the best qualities and services to the industry. This promise has been made manifest through the Company's investments in research development and advancement in technologies of production and engineering, all of which have been accomplished under the most rigorous standards in pursuit of perfection.

In the face of intensive global competition, Well Fore's Total Quality Management and Assurance (TQMA)system is deployed as not only a prerequisite of today's industries, but also a realization of the Company's strongest commitments to providing the best value to its customers. The success of Well Fore believes that customers' satisfactions can only originate in its excellence in quality control and management, conducted by everyone, at every second and every place.

Maintaining a harmonic and win-win relationship with its employees has been the one of the most distinguished ingredients of Well Fore's corporate culture. Special attention have been placed upon the employees' welfares and improvement of the workspace. Built to last, Well Fore is determined to grow profitably into the future, seek the broadest basis of common interests for the entire company, and most of all, prosper hand-in-hand with its employees in such an environment where mutual respects, continuous learning, and teamwork spirits are highly rewarding.

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